Lowongan Kerja PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Terbaru

Loker PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja : gotokerja.com, PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia merupakan salah satu perusahaan atau pabrik yang memproduksi mobil yang berlokasi di daerah Jawa Barat. Perusahaan ini berawal dari sebuah perusahaan kontruksi yang didirikan olehseseorang bernama Chung Ju Yung tepatnya pada tahun 1947. Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) saat ini telah berkembang menjadi salah satu produsen yang memproduksi mobil yang berskala dunia asal Asia terbesar setelah Negara Jepang. 

Dalam bahasa asalnya yaitu Korea, kata “HYUNDAI” memiliki arti ‘Modern’ atau kata lainnya ‘Jaman Sekarang’. Perusahaan ini mulai menapakkan rodanya di wilayah Indonesia melalui agen tunggal pemegang mereknya yaitu PT Citra Mobil Nasional (CMN). Mobil Hyundai pertama yang diluncurkan adalah Elantra yang keluar pada tahun 1995 dan merupakan mobil asal Korea pertama yang mulai dipasarkan di Indonesia dengan hasil rakitan pabrik Hyundai di daerah Bekasi Barat. 

Saat ini PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia mengajak rekan gotokerja.com untuk bergabung melalui lowongan kerja yang tersedia.

Lowongan Kerja PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia Terbaru

    Posisi yang tersedia :

Lowongan Event & Promotion
Lowongan Event Senior Specialist

    Qualification :

1. Event & Promotion
Bachelor Degree win any discipline
Experience in project management and excellent activation management in the most cost – effective way
Show management
Artwork design and simple video editing skill
Excellent verbal communication and negotiation skills
Strong interpersonal skills and able build relationships  with stake holders
Responsibilities :
Manage the process from planning – design – production and distribution to nationwide dealers/event
Lead, control and track all promotional material executions 100% implemented on time with quality
Manage on – going day to day operations including tracking and reporting
Ensure all productions delivers maximum effectiveness at lowest cost
Keep up – to – date with market & industry changes and alert the team on innovation, potential advantage/new opportunities, and initiate new ideation
Promotional Material maintenance management, Monitoring competitive activity, and  delivering key learning’s
Create attractive display to support brand communication at retail place
Supporting in establishing the concept for Motorshow, Exhibitions, Product Launching & other BTL activities
Planning, executing and managing of activities as per the communication concept
Analyzing of the activities and Create report

2. Event Senior Specialist
Bachelor Degree in any discipline
Experience in project management and excellent activation management in the most cost – effective way
Show management
Artwork design and simple video editing skill
Excellent verbal communication and negotiation skills
Strong interpersonal skills and able build relationships  with stake holders
Responsibilities :
Build effective business relationship with stakeholders both internally and externally (agencies, vendors, dealers) through managing expectations, clear communication and consistent performance
Supporting in Establishing the concept for Motorshow, Exhibitions, Product Launching & other BTL activities
Planning, executing and managing of activities as per the communication concept
Lead show management operation
Analyzing pf the activities results and Create report
Keep up to date with market & industry changes and alert the team on innovation, potential advantages/new opportunities, and initiate new ideation
Promotional material/attractive display design creation to support brand communication at retail place
Resize artwork, animation video creation to support event activation

    Cara Melamar :

Bagi rekan gotokerja.com yang memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan kerja atau loker PT Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Indonesia serta berminat untuk melamar posisi lowongan kerja di atas dapat mengirimkan lamaran ke :

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Batas akhir pendaftaran 26 Juli 2023

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