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Lowongan Kerja PT. Rigid Maju Bersama

Lowongan Kerja PT. Rigid Maju Bersama

Lowongan Kerja : gotokerja.com, PT. Rigid Maju Bersama (rigid.co.id) merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur dalam bidang Film PVC Rigid yang pertama di Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Perusahaan ini memproduksi berbagai jenis dan macam Film PVC Kaku untuk memenuhi beragam kebutuhan banyak industri, seperti contohnya makanan dan juga minuman, farmasi, dll. 

Produk perusahaan ini dibuat untuk memberikan kinerja yang sangat baik sekaligus juga untuk memberikan daya tahan dan juga efektivitas biaya yang tiada banding. Perusahaan ini telah menginvestasikan berupa mesin kalender PVC 6-roll yang diklaim sebagai salah satu mesin tercanggih di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini juga telah disertifikasi dengan ISO 9001: 2015 dan ISO 14001: 2015 untuk Proses Pembuatan Film PVC Kaku.

Saat ini PT. Rigid Maju Bersama membuka kesempatan bagi rekan gotokerja.com untuk bergabung bersama ke perusahaan melalui lowongan kerja yang saat ini tersedia
Lowongan Kerja PT. Rigid Maju Bersama

Lowongan Kerja yang tersedia :

Lowongan HRD & GA Executives
Lowongan Production Operation System Analyst
Lowongan QA & QC
Lowongan Production Management Trainee
Lowongan Production cum. Process Engineer
Lowongan Production Manager
Lowongan IT Programmer cum. IT Engineer
Lowongan Maintenance cum. Procurement Engineer
Lowongan Truk Driver
Lowongan Digital Marketing Executives

Qualification :

HRD & GA Executives

Bachelor degree in H.R.M, LAW, Psychology, Indutrial Eng. or related field from a reputable university
Must have a strong passion in HRM and GA (HSSE) in a Manufacturing Industry
Location Ngoro Mojokerto Area


Min. Bachelor’s Degree in INDUSTRIAL Engineering or other engineering Majors from a reputable university
Must have a strong passion in PPIC and lean Manufacturing system
Fresh graduates are welcome to apply, but preferably having at least 1 (one) year working 
Willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park Factory (NGORO – MOJOKERTO);

QA & QC Staff + QA & QC Engineer + QA & QC Manager

Male, Max. 30 years old;
Min. High School Diploma (SMA/ SMK) from Engineering Majors;
Must have at least 2 (two) years working experiences as in the same position, preferably in a Plastic industry
Placement Mojokerto Area

Production Management Trainee

Male, Min. Bachelor Degree From Mechanical Engineering or Engineering Majors from a reputable university;
Fresh graduates with a strong passion in production process of Rigid PVC Film, are welcome to apply
Domiciled near Ngoro Mojokerto Area

Production cum. Process Engineer (Kaizen)

Min. Bachelor Degree From Mechanical Engineering or Engineering Majors from a reputable university;
Must have a strong passion in problem sloving and continuous improvement concepts such as PDCA and kaizen
Placement Ngoro Mojokerto Area

Production Manager

Male, minimum Bachelor degree in engineering Majors from a reputable university
Domiciled near Ngoro Mojokerto Area

IT Programmer cum. IT Engineer

Min. Bachelor degree in Computer Science from reputable univeristy
Must have at least 3 years working experience in the related field
Domiciled near Ngoro Mojokerto Area

Maintenance cum. Procurement Engineer (Design Improvement)

Male, min. Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering
Must have a strong passion in Maintenance Management (TPM, Procurement, etc) Project Mgt and Industry 4.0
Location Ngoro Mojokerto Area

Truk Driver cum. Forklift Operator

Male, Must have a SIM B and/or SIO

Digital Marketing Executives (Surabaya)

Min. Bachelor in Visual Communication Design (DKV), Marketing Communication (MARCOMM) or related field from a reputable university;
Must be able to prove the effectiveness of all published Digital Marketing portofolio

Cara Melamar :

Bagi rekan gotokerja.com yang memenuhi kualifikasi lowongan kerja tersebut dan berminat untuk melamar posisi loker diatas dapat mengirimkan lamaran ke : 

Dengan Subject yaitu : Posisi yang dilamar

Atau bawa ke : 
PT Rigid Maju Bersama
Ngoro Industri Park Blok C2-2, Ngoro, Mojokerto


Mau donasi lewat mana?

Mandiri - Imron S ( 1370020222523 )

BRI - xxxxxx

JAGO - xxxxxxx

BSI - xxxxxx
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