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Lowongan Kerja PT Omron Manufacturing Of Indonesia

Loker PT Omron Manufacturing Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja : gotokerja.com, PT Omron Manufacturing Indonesia adalah salah satu cabang perusahaan elektronik dari Jepang, Omron Corp Jepang yang memimpin dan memimpin dalam industri sistem kontrol otomatis berlokasi di Ejip Industrial Park, Cikarang, Barat, Jawaban Barat. PT OMRON Manufaktur Indonesia sebagai produsen global untuk relay dan switch telah lebih dari 25 tahun yang beroperasi di Indonesia dan terus tumbuh dan berkembang dengan mendirikan pabrik otomatisasi yang menghasilkan sensor, penghitung dan penghitung waktu dan memberikan solusi bisnis secara keseluruhan untuk otomasi industri . Perusahaan ini juga dikenal sebagai perusahaan yang memelopori dan mempekerjakan penyandang cacat sebagai bagian dari komitmen untuk menghormati semua orang.

Saat ini PT Omron Manufacturing Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi rekan gotokerja.com untuk bergabung ke perusahaan melalui lowongan kerja yang saat ini tersedia.
PT Omron Manufacturing Indonesia

Posisi yang tersedia :

Lowongan Environment Health Safety Supervisor
Lowongan Production Supervisor
Lowongan Production Engineering Supervisor
Lowongan Production Maintenance Supervisor
Lowongan Line Leader Production
Lowongan Technician – Maintenance
Lowongan Technician – Quality Assurance
Lowongan Technician – Product Engineer
Lowongan Procurement Officer
Lowongan Accounting Officer
Lowongan Sales Engineer
Lowongan General Affair – Utility Leader

Qualification :

1. Environment Health Safety Supervisor
Candidate must possess at least S1 Experience or S2 (Fresh) : Environmental, Health & Safety
Have experience as position Environment Health Safety
Have certificate Safety Expert
Have Certified K3/OHS Expert, Certifies SMK3 Auditor (1)
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication & analytical thinking ability
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English (Min. Score TOEIC 600)

2. Production Supervisor
Candidate must possess at least S1 Experience or S2 (Fresh) in Engineering (Mechanical, Mechatronic, Electrical, industrial) or equivalent)
Have experience  2 years in the field
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication & analytical thinking ability
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English (Min. Score TOEIC 600)

3. Production Engineering Supervisor
Candidate must possess at least S1 Experience or S2 (Fresh) in Engineering (Electrical/Electronic)
Preferably Supervisor/Coordinator specialized in Engineering – Electrical or equivalent.
Have experience 2 years in the field
Have knowledge about PLC Programming, Electrical Wiring, Programming language
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication & analytical thinking ability
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English (Min. Score TOEIC 600)

4. Production Maintenance Supervisor
Candidate must possess at least S1 Experience or S2 (Fresh) in Engineering (Mechanical, Mechatronic, Electrical, industrial)
Have experience  2 years in the field
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication, negotiation skill & analytical thinking ability
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English (Min. Score TOEIC 600)

5. Line Leader Production
Last education D4/S1 Engineering (Mechanical, Mechatronic, Electrical, industrial)
Maximum age 28 years old
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication & analytical thinking ability
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English

6. Technician – Maintenance
Last education D3/D4/S1 in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering
Ability to design and use application (Mechanical, Solidwork, Managing, AutoCAD)
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication & analytical thinking ability
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English

7. Technician – Quality Assurance
Last education D3/D4 in Engineering
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication & analytical thinking ability
Have knowledge about PLC Programming, Electrical Wiring, Programming language, PCB
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English

8. Technician – Product Engineer
Last education D3/D4 in Engineering
Fresh graduate welcome
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication & analytical thinking ability
Have knowledge about PLC Programming, Electrical Wiring, Programming language, PCB
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English

9. Procurement Officer
Last education in All major
Fresh graduate welcome
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication, negotiation skill & analytical thinking ability
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English

10. Accounting Officer
Last education D3/D4 in Accounting
Fresh graduate welcome
Have knowledge reconciliation process & journal transaction
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication, negotiation skill & analytical thinking ability
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English

11. Sales Engineer
Last education S1 all major
Good communication, negotiation skill & analytical thinking ability
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English

12. General Affair – Utility Leader
Last education D4/S1 in Technical background
Fresh graduate welcome
Have knowledge of Problem analysis, data processing and logical thinking
Strong Leadership, honest, and high integrity
High motivation to learn and Good sense of improvement
Good communication, negotiation skill & analytical thinking ability
Good Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
Good spoken & written in English

Cara Melamar :

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Mandiri - Imron S ( 1370020222523 )

BRI - xxxxxx

JAGO - xxxxxxx

BSI - xxxxxx
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