Lowongan Kerja PT Long Harmony Industry (Long John Group)

Loker PT Long Harmony Industry (Long John Group)

Lowongan Kerja : gotokerja.com, PT Long Harmony Industry ialah bagian dari Longjohn Group ialah industri yang bergerak di bidang tekstil yang memproduksi kain sepatu buat brand NIKE, ADIDAS, NB, REEBOK, serta brand yang lain. Long John Group didirikan pada tahun 1983 oleh CEO Jeff Wen, kami mempunyai 2. 000 karyawan secara global. Pembedahan global kami merupakan kantor pusat di Taiwan, penciptaan lokal di Tiongkok, Vietnam serta Indonesia. 

Saat ini PT Long Harmony Industry (Long John Group) membuka kesempatan bagi rekan gotokerja.com untuk bergabung bersama ke perusahaan melalui lowongan kerja yang tersedia. 
Lowongan Kerja PT Long Harmony Industry (Long John Group)

Posisi yang tersedia :

  1. HR Training
  2. HR Payroll

Qualification :

Requirements :
  • Bachelor’s degree in relevant field.
  • Minimum 1 years of experience designing and implementing employee development programs.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills and systematic.
  • Strong presentation skill.
  • Adept with a variety of multimedia training platforms and methods.
  • Ability to design and implement effective training and development.
  • Able to prioritize and multitask effectively.
  • Have interpersonal skills, team working skills, time management, organizational skills.
  • Preferred location in Bandung, Cimahi, or Kapubaten Bandung Barat
Job Description :
  • Conduct Training planning (Training Need Analysis) to fulfill employee competencies.
  • Developing training curriculum both annually and training programs conducted on request training.
  • Monitor the status of the fulfillment of training needs in accordance with the TNA plan and the fulfillment of planned competency gaps so that employee training needs can be met.
  • Coordinate with internal or external trainers related to the fulfillment of training in the company.
  • Become a facilitator / trainer to deliver training materials in accordance with the training plan.
  • Perform all administrative and management flow of training organizers.
  • Evaluate and analyze data related to training evaluation.
  • Analyze employee training needs based on competency to support employee productivity with the user.

Job Requirements :
  • Candidate must possess at least bachelor’s degree in business administration, finance, or accounting preferred
  • At least 2 years of experience working in a compensation benefit & payroll
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office, payroll processing software & BPJS system
  • Strong numerical aptitude and attention to detail
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Good time management and organizational skills
  • Working knowledge of revelant legal regulations
  • Able to prioritize and multitask effectively
  • Ability to work with confidential information
  • Strong time management skills
  • Can work independently or as a team
  • Preferred location in Bandung, Cimahi, or Kabupaten Bandung Barat
Job Description :
  • Calculate employee salaries, compensation & benefits
  • Input employee information and payroll data into the system
  • Maintain and update payroll records
  • Register/deactivation of BPJS for employee
  • Make BPJS monthly report
  • Make MOU & company license
  • Make permits for TKA (Business Visa) & monthly report to immigration
  • Make weekly/ semester reports to SIINas system
  • Manage administration related to expatriate

Cara Melamar :

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