Lowongan Kerja PT Blue Bird Tbk

5 Posisi Lowongan/Loker

PT Blue Bird Tbk

Detail Pekerjaan

  • PendidikanDiploma - Bachelor Degree
  • GenderPria/Wanita
  • Umurn/a
  • Tipe PekerjaanFull time
  • PengalamanFresh Graduate/Pengalaman
  • Besaran Gajin/a
  • Diposting
  • Batas Lamaran-
  • Lokasi KerjaJabodetabek, Luar Jawa

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Lowongan Kerja : gotokerja.com, Dari taksi, container, serta perlengkapan berat ke logistik, Bluebird Group merupakan industri yang siap penuhi seluruh kebutuhan kamu. Begitu banyak warga kota Jakarta serta kota- kota besar yang lain di Indonesia, Blue Bird Group bukan cuma semata- mata industri taksi, namun bagian dari style hidup mereka. Jika New York diketahui dengan taksi kuningnya serta Londong dengan taksi gelap, hingga jakarta mempunyai Blue Bird: armada taksi biru yang menghiasi jalanan padat jadwal Jakarta tiap waktu.

Dengan melayani jutaan penumpang tiap bulan, Blue Bird Group memperluas layanannya. Dari taksi universal( Blue Bird& Pusaka) hingga taksi eksekutif( Silver Bird), limosin serta penyewaan mobil( Golden Bird), carter bis( Big Bird), logistik( Iron Bird Logistic) Industri( Restu Bunda Pusaka- Bus Body Manufacturing serta Pusaka Niaga Indonesia), properti( Holiday Resort Lombok serta Pusaka Bumi Mutiara), IT serta layanan menunjang( Hermis Consulting- IT SAP, Pusaka Integrasi Mandiri- EDC, Pusaka GPS, Pusaka Buana Utama- Petrol Station, Pusaka Bersatu- Lubricant, Pusaka Suku Cadang Indonesia- Spare Part) serta perlengkapan berat( Pusaka Andalan Perkasa serta Pusaka Bumi Transportasi). 

Saat ini PT Blue Bird Tbk membuka kesempatan bagi rekan gotokerja.com untuk bergabung bersama ke perusahaan melalui lowongan kerja yang tersedia. 

Lowongan Kerja PT Blue Bird Tbk

Posisi yang tersedia :

  1. Reservation
  2. SPV Sales Corporate
  3. Sales Corporate
  4. Assessment Center Assesor
  5. Operational Staff

Qualification :

1. Reservation
Qualifications :
  • Minimum Diploma in related field
  • Work experience in customer service, call center, or reservation.
  • Ability to handle customer complaints and inquiries efficiently
  • Ability to manage multiple calls or tasks simultaneously
  • Willing to work in shifts, including nights, weekends, and holidays, if required
  • Having good skills abilities and good personality
  • Will be placement in Head Office

2. SPV Sales Corporate
Qualifications :
  • Diploma, Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, or related field
  • Have experience in sales field (3 – 4 years).
  • B2B sales experience is preferred.
  • Good communication and negotiation skills.
  • Able to work with targets.
  • Have English proficiency (preferred)
  • Will be placement in Our Branch (Pekanbaru, Medan & Balikpapan)

3. Sales Corporate
Qualifications :
  • Diploma, Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, or related field
  • Have experience in sales field (1 – 2 years).
  • B2B sales experience is preferred.
  • Good communication and negotiation skills.
  • Able to work with targets.
  • Have English proficiency (preferred)
  • Will be placement in Head Office & Our Branch (Medan & Balikpapan)

4. Assessment Center Assesor
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, HR, or any related field
  • Have certification in competency assesment, assesment center assesor, or related
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in conducting competency assessments as assessor
  • Experience with psychometric testing and other assessment tools
  • Familiar with competency frameworks and models
  • This position will be project based (2-3 months contract)

5. Operational Staff
Qualifications :
  • Bachelor’s degree in Adminstration, Technic, or related field
  • Fresh Graduate or have at least 1 year of work experience in related fields
  • Have an understanding & experience in the field of company operations management
  • Have experience in implementing growth plans to drive change & collaboration opportunities in the company.
  • Have and continue to update knowledge of the transportation industry, related regulations and policies, and best practices in fleet and driver management
  • Willing to work in shifts, including nights, weekends, and holiday
  • Familiar with Ms. Office
  • Will be placement in Head Office & Our Balikpapan Branch


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